We find ourselves in difficult times and we hope at this point the members of BMXNZ, BMXNSW and BMXA are staying safe and practising all the required social restrictions, so we can all work towards containing and ending the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently affecting not only both our Countries but so many others worldwide.
Due to the current conditions and the travel restrictions set between Australia and New Zealand both BMXNZ and BMXNSW Boards find ourselves with no alternative but to cancel the Australian Leg of the Trans-Tasman Test Team event set down of the 6th and 7th of June 2020 at the Hawkesbury BMX Club.
We believe it is in the best interests of the parents, riders and Associations to make a call on this now as we anticipate no change likely for 3-6 months as per Government communications.
Both BMXNZ and BMXNSW Boards make this decision with a heavy heart and we understand and feel the disappointment for the riders and their families, but we also must consider the health and safety of the riders first and foremost.
BMXNZ and BMXNSW are still hopeful the event in New Zealand later this year will take place and will provide communications at the appropriate time for qualification dates, event dates and details for the 2020 New Zealand Leg of the Trans-Tasman Test Team.
What is important as this time is the members and families of BMXNZ, BMXNSW and BMXA take care, stay safe and practice the required social requirements so we can beat this pandemic and once again get back to putting on great events and experiences for our members.
Yours Sincerely,
Board of BMXNZ and Board of BMXNSW