Walker is a name many of you will associate with BMX.

Yes Sarah Walker has a mum & her name is Sue.
Sue Walker is almost as famous in the sport as Sarah is to you. As a BMX family from way back, they have pushed their kids to do wonderful things with both Sarah & Matt riding to all-time highs right now.
Sue’s involvement like most here was at basic club level assisting all kids, along with her own, to get to BMX races. Many kids from the Bay of Plenty have great memories of the Walkers & their assistance in the sport.
After Sarah’s push into full time HP, Sue has been the core Manager of the challenge class worlds’ teams, using her experience from years of attending events to assist the next generation of Sarah Walkers’, try and achieve their own goals.
Sue was not at the Awards as she is again on the road in Colombia, as Worlds Challenge Team Manager sorting drinks, making sure kids are in the right motos & sitting down giving a sad rider a hug after a not so good race.
BMXNZ would like to thank Sue for years of support and her contribution to make our sport a better place.
Congratulations to Sue Walker this year’s recipient of the BMX Outstanding Contribution Award