- If you have an issue with a transponder, the registered owner of the transponder contacts the following e-mail address https://help.mylaps.com/s/contactsupport?language=en_US
- If transponder can be fixed over the phone/e-mail MYLAPS will complete the fix.
- If transponder is not fixable over the phone/e-mail MYLAPS will send the owner a replacement form.
- Customer e-mails BMXNZ advising the issue & supplies the replacement form
- BMXNZ will supply the owner with a new transponder with a BLANK subscription and a return courier bag for the faulty transponder. The owner will need to buy a new subscription for the new transponder.
- Once faulty transponder has been received, BMXNZ/MYLAPS will move any existing subscription from faulty transponder to new transponder on top of what you have purchased.The process is to make sure you can get racing urgently and covers the slow process of transferring the subscription, which can happen without hindering racing.
Instructions for ProChip Transponder Issues and replacement
October 13, 2020