2022 BMX New Zealand National Championships – SPLIT EVENT

2022 BMX New Zealand National Championships – SPLIT EVENT

The 2022 BMX New Zealand National Championships is not far away and as you can imagine we are working during interesting times with the RED LEVEL regulation within the COVID Protection Framework. While smaller than pre-COVID, in 2022 we have the largest event entries since COVID began. This means lots of planning & structure to make this work. The following detail is the race format that is needed at the event so that BMXNZ can deliver the 2022 BMX Nationals for the sport. We will supply more detail in the coming days, but this will give you an understanding of why it is like this and the day you will race on, giving you time to alter your plans, if needed.

This event will be a CVC required event. So as a reminder, all attendees over 12yrs & three months must present a valid COVID Vaccine Certificate, to be able to enter the event site.
As per other communications, please have your CVC ready and make sure it is scannable. Fuzzy or damaged QR codes that don’t scan will not be accepted for entry. Also, have on hand an acceptable photo ID, in case required.

The entries have been split into four(4) events over the two days, so that BMXNZ can manage groups of riders in the required defined spaces, with a reasonable number of supporters. These events are as follows;

Saturday AM Event
Saturday PM Event
Sunday AM Event
Sunday PM Event

During each event you will complete your entire racing at Nationals, covering 4 motos and finals.
We have arranged the 20/CR classes so that there is NO ‘same-event’ or ‘same-day’ double classing for riders.

Within the Events, riders have been arranged into “AGE CLASS” groups rather than the usual club or family groups. This allows manageable event splits and manageable staging.
Each Event will have four(4) defined spaces or as we usually call them ‘bubbles’ these bubbles have been pre-planned as noted above for increased supporter numbers and event management.

Please keep your supporters to a minimum. Please plan for one supporter only per rider, but we will update you with available space as it becomes clearer.

Each Event Bubble will have its own wrist band ID which will be supplied at entry when CVCs are scanned. Once in your bubble, you must remain for your session. All riders and attendees must be self-sufficient, as there will be no retail food or cycle outlets on site. All riders must pit and stage from their bubble, riders self-managing from outside of the event space, will be removed from the event.

Each Event Bubble will have its own toilet facilities which is the designated facility that each bubble can use. Take care of it.

Detail regarding carparking, Friday practice, Mighty11s etc, will follow in due course when a full revised Event Manual will be released.

As you can see the “AGE CLASS” split are the dominant structure of the weekend, purely so that we can manage the individual events and defined spaces in an achievable way. This may create some issues with split families or split days. But this is the only way we can deliver the event.

The bonus of this structure is that we can have prize giving, on-site, at the end of each event session.

So as we mentioned at the start, we are in a very different world to normal Nationals, but we have found a solution structure to deliver this event. Full detail will be released over the next few days in the form of an Event Manual.

It will be good to see you all at Nationals, where the racing will be as good as ever.


Warren Boggiss
Board Chairman
BMX New Zealand

Dion Earnest
Executive Officer
BMX New Zealand


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