As you all know New Zealand had been moved into the RED level under the COVID Protection Framework (CPF). What does this mean for BMX? Well not too much, it is more of a small step back to where we have been before, so let’s have a look at what it looks like.


The main positive point for us all, is that sport continues, and we can all keep travelling to events so we can all finish off the season almost as per normal.
The regulations of the CPF have not changed, they are the same as when they were instigated back in December last year. Some in the South Island have done events in RED already, so this will not be too strange for some of us.

Event hosts ( Clubs, Regions or BMXNZ) can still run events either with COVID Vaccine Certificates (CVCs) or without CVCs. But the choice has different possible attendance numbers.

    • CVC events – Limited to 100 people (or multiple bubbles of 100)
    • Non-CVC events – Limited to 25 people (or multiple bubbles of 25)

CVC gatherings need to have all people on site scanned for valid CVC. Just sighting them does not allow for a few fake QR codes floating around.

When you are having to use bubbles, all gatherings must plan prior to the day, how you will manage the bubbles, define the separation plan, organise the services for each bubble & show the staging plan to keep riders separate until they are on the gate. Then return to bubbles ASAP.
Shops can be used, but physical distancing and masks should be used. The key is to stop all congregation around the shops, customers must order and pay, then collect and return to their bubbles.

If you having a gathering that is under maximum (25 non-CVC or 100 CVC) then it is just like a normal gathering as one bubble.

All Superclass and Crank It classes must be entry prior to the event, NO Entry on Day in RED Level. This assists the clubs to manage numbers and bubble allocation.

If you have any questions about delivering an event, please do contact me at BMXNZ on my detail below.

As Warren the BMXNZ Chairman says, “BMXers go on RED” so let’s race!



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